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American STEM Education

American STEM Prep. is part of the American STEM Education(ASE) based in Minnesota, United States. ASE provides professional services to International K-12 Institutes making it possible for them to offer high-quality American Education for their students and parents, especially but not only for STEM programs.


ASP Vision

At the end of six years with ASP-Songdo, students will:

1. Be able to program HTML, Swift, CSS, and be able to program robots.

2. Be conversational and literate in English at the same level as Grade 6 American students.

3. Be above the American average in Science and Math.

 Why STEM?

science, technology, engineering, math

"...tomorrow's leadership depends on how we educate our students today, and the answer, after all, is science, technology, engineering and math."

Source: Former US President Barack Obama, 2010

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ASP-Songdo admits students of every race, sex, color, and national or ethnic origin, without discrimination, to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at this institution. ASP-Songdo reserves the right to select students and restructure student schedules based on academic performance and personal qualifications, including a willingness to cooperate with the goals of ASP-Songdo and to abide by its policies. Due to the limitation of resources and facilities, ASP-Songdo cannot provide education to all students with special needs. Based on diagnosis, progress, performance, behavior, and adjustment to ASP- Songdo, acceptance may be reevaluated.


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